
Hate My Call Center Job

I know hate is a strong word and it's not something that you should say often or in reference to things pertaining to your day-to-day life, but I am entering Year 3. Working in a call Center for the largest financial firm in North America and while the pay is good, the day in and day out agony and slow assassination of my spirit, soul and mind is becoming far. Beyond not worth it. Every day. I'll wake up with a sense of regret that my eyes opened. Knowing that for the next 8 hours I'm going to be. Either in a cubicle or in my Home Office. On the receiving end of. Non-stop complaining, griping. Misdirected bitching & belittling. Coupled with. Low IQ leadership from management and being micromanaged Aggressively. While being supported and trained, none insistently. I have hit the wall in this role as of a year…

I know hate is a strong word and it's not something that you should say often or in reference to things pertaining to your day-to-day life, but I am entering Year 3. Working in a call Center for the largest financial firm in North America and while the pay is good, the day in and day out agony and slow assassination of my spirit, soul and mind is becoming far. Beyond not worth it. Every day. I'll wake up with a sense of regret that my eyes opened. Knowing that for the next 8 hours I'm going to be. Either in a cubicle or in my Home Office. On the receiving end of. Non-stop complaining, griping. Misdirected bitching & belittling. Coupled with. Low IQ leadership from management and being micromanaged Aggressively. While being supported and trained, none insistently. I have hit the wall in this role as of a year ago and have roughly submitted 3000 resumes and cover letters. Even had interviews but still to no avail. I envy people who can simply up and quit a job because they have a solid and strong support system, but I don't. Everything in my life, including my family, falls and rests on my ability to be able to provide an income. But I'm at a. Fork in the road career wise to where anything would be better than this, but I'm stuck. I don't think any offers are coming soon. I have expenses to cover. And I'm going to a job that literally kills my soul and spirit each and every day. The anxiety I go through, I know I'm a shell of the great guy used to be. I'm not looking for advice or tips on this, just looking to state my grievance and know that if you're in a current or similar situation, I'm praying for us and we will find a way to get out of this. Just when you're going through it, it's excruciatingly brutal and painful to say the least.

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