
Have any of you successfully managed to ask for more days off to the tune of 4-6+ weeks ? What does it look like?

I have 10 days pto. I get 7 holidays including a single day at christmas. I'm single so i have a much lighter load than most people. But as a female I can say with pretty certainty that at least one day of the month i'm gonna be feeling like Sh** What's the point of all this if I never get to spend time doing what I love in my personal life? I actaully genuinely love the work I do but Its like its not even worth it since I never get to do literally anything else. Getting married to my longtime partner?…can't bc I can't take off more than a weekend and have a vacation later….can't go on a honeymoon…those 10 days are served to be split amongst mine and my partners family vacations and it doesn't please anyone as they question why I can't take the whole week…

I have 10 days pto. I get 7 holidays including a single day at christmas. I'm single so i have a much lighter load than most people. But as a female I can say with pretty certainty that at least one day of the month i'm gonna be feeling like Sh**

What's the point of all this if I never get to spend time doing what I love in my personal life? I actaully genuinely love the work I do but Its like its not even worth it since I never get to do literally anything else. Getting married to my longtime partner?…can't bc I can't take off more than a weekend and have a vacation later….can't go on a honeymoon…those 10 days are served to be split amongst mine and my partners family vacations and it doesn't please anyone as they question why I can't take the whole week off. kids!? i would have told you i'd have 4 but now…i'm not sure I could mange 1 and work a 40 hr week on a confined schedule. All the daycares let out at 12:30??? Doctors appts are in the middle of the day?? I don't think kids will be in my future anymore. Plz make it make sense.

I was supposed to do this big backpacking hiking trip in South america ni 2020 after I graduated and had to cancel. i was upset but just decided I could reschedule at a later date. Umm no there's no later date. i will never be able to do it bc the trip alone is 14 days min. Maybe when im 80 and retired.

So that brings me to my next point. I'm in a prime of my life where I have little responsibilities and I'd like to work out some negotiation of travel time and just reset time. Have any of you negotiated something like this? I'm looking for a new job. And would like something like 6 weeks..maybe 4 paid and 2 unpaid i could do? What did that look like for you?

*most people in avg jobs squawk at my request and how unrealistic it is yet, my friends in tech, nurses, teachers all take a lot more than that and lead very successful careers and jobs. Had i known what this was like, i probably would have went into a more flexible career even if my heart wasn't in it.

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