
Have any of you thought if ending it all?

I've been trying for decades now to find a life of dignity. I joined the workforce at 18, and I've done 40 hours a week, every week for nearly 20 years. A series of bad events Monday broke me, and this time in a way that I don't know if I can fix it. Housing is unaffordable and I still can't get outside of entry level. I have to cut back on meals just to make sure rent gets paid. My wife is disabled and works what she can but it isn't enough. We make too much to qualify for EBT, but not enough to afford groceries. I got turned down from a job paying $1 more an hour than what I'm making, because 15 years of experience is too low for their entry level position. My current job is doing RTO next month, and the gas isn't in the…

I've been trying for decades now to find a life of dignity. I joined the workforce at 18, and I've done 40 hours a week, every week for nearly 20 years.

A series of bad events Monday broke me, and this time in a way that I don't know if I can fix it. Housing is unaffordable and I still can't get outside of entry level. I have to cut back on meals just to make sure rent gets paid. My wife is disabled and works what she can but it isn't enough. We make too much to qualify for EBT, but not enough to afford groceries.

I got turned down from a job paying $1 more an hour than what I'm making, because 15 years of experience is too low for their entry level position. My current job is doing RTO next month, and the gas isn't in the budget. I have to cut back to one small meal a day to be able to keep working.

I'm just done. I want to die. I'll never be able to retire and I just can't look at decades of agony anymore.

Fuck this system and anyone who supports it. They can sign their name in my blood splatter

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