
Have been on a secondment for 7 years, law changed to make that illegal, rather than make me a permanent worker, HR decides to let me go instead. Secretly waiting for it all to burn down.

Been working at a non US government agency for nearly 14 years, half of it being on this secondment thats just ended. 7 years ago a vacancy opened up in my current team due the person going on a round the world trip for 6 months. I jumped into the role which is much higher paying and made an impression on management. 6 months became 1 year, which became 2 years, and then became 5. At this point im carrying the team now on key projects, because the rest are deadwood but in permanent positions. We have a restructure during covid and they axe the position i was seconded in because the bean counters deemed that person wasn't needed as clearly the team as achieving so much without that role. They didn't count seconded staff backfilling it for some dumb reason. I got back to my old role for a…

Been working at a non US government agency for nearly 14 years, half of it being on this secondment thats just ended. 7 years ago a vacancy opened up in my current team due the person going on a round the world trip for 6 months. I jumped into the role which is much higher paying and made an impression on management.

6 months became 1 year, which became 2 years, and then became 5. At this point im carrying the team now on key projects, because the rest are deadwood but in permanent positions. We have a restructure during covid and they axe the position i was seconded in because the bean counters deemed that person wasn't needed as clearly the team as achieving so much without that role. They didn't count seconded staff backfilling it for some dumb reason.

I got back to my old role for a month. The projects i was on in the secondment team start falling apart and key company players arent happy. My boss manages to pull some strings and create a temporary role as HR won't allow permanent roles to be made, at this time my boss was under the impression they could extend the secondment like last time. So back on secondment i go. My boss has a plan in mind of having one of the older permanent staff retire and i take their spot.

Another 2 years go by, im taking names and smashing goals. Embedded in more key projects to run and deliver, major infrastructure upgrades across the region. This year though a new law was introduced to prevent employers from abusing the secondment system by indefinitely extending a secondment or temporary role. If an extension is required beyond 2 years in the same job they have to make you a permanent worker. Well i thought this would be good news for me because im still needed and another extension would trigger this clause in the new law.

HR have a different idea though and have decided to terminate my secondment 2 weeks before reaching 2 years and are actively blocking any secondments. Have had meetings with the executive management who are all expressing they want me to stay because im a direct key person in their projects but apparently they don't have the power to overrule HR.

After not doing my last role for effectively 7 years, the management in that team have changed hands multiple times and have become bitter and toxic. They don't know who i am and this teams management have heavily implied they want me to quit so they can fill the role with someone new they have lined up. They have been getting me into meetings with HR to put pressure on my performance expectations in my old job and that i should highly consider exiting the organisation versus going back to my old job.

Meanwhile theres a multi million dollar infrastructure project thats halted because theres an engineering back log in the system. A project publicly backed by local politicians. A back log due to no one else but me having the logins and at the time, the authority to sign things off.

Other smaller projects but still important are also behind too. My inbox is flooded with 'hey can you please do X' 'we need you to do Y' 'please do Z task'. The deadwood in the secondment team are constantly requesting me to train them up as they are trying to take on my work. Yeah nah.

Like the title suggests, a part of me is staying here just to see how quickly it all burns down before i exit.

TLDR: New law designed to help me gets me quietly fired instead.

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