
Have you ever heard of a place telling you your raise in public in front of customers and other employees. Forcing a promotion onto you that you don’t want to accept for that amount. And refusing further conversation on the matter?

This was in a grocery store. My friend was doing supervisor responsibilities for several weeks and asking for a raise. One day they come to her at the register and they gave her a new name tag and told her she would be getting a 50c raise. She asked if they could talk about it and her manager said no and walked away. They rarely work the same hours and he avoids her and refuses to further elaborate. She doesn't even accept this offer? but they didn't offer they just TOLD? And I helped her write a professional letter to their hr. And she called and confirmed with them about the email and some details. 2 weeks later no response so she puts her notice. Now her notice is up and she did the right thing IMO by walking away and having respect for herself. But is that any way…

This was in a grocery store. My friend was doing supervisor responsibilities for several weeks and asking for a raise. One day they come to her at the register and they gave her a new name tag and told her she would be getting a 50c raise. She asked if they could talk about it and her manager said no and walked away. They rarely work the same hours and he avoids her and refuses to further elaborate. She doesn't even accept this offer? but they didn't offer they just TOLD? And I helped her write a professional letter to their hr. And she called and confirmed with them about the email and some details. 2 weeks later no response so she puts her notice. Now her notice is up and she did the right thing IMO by walking away and having respect for herself. But is that any way to do buisness?? Public intimidation tactic discussing raises in front of everybody in public? Corporate of a larger chain being A OK with this??? Wtf?

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