
Have you ever not shown up to work to punish your manager for being disrespectful to you?

This is coming from an employee perspective. But I just feel like this is something that should happen more often. If a manager or boss is rude or disrespectful to any employees, the punishment for them would be that they should get no help the next day. Think about it, if an employee is rude or disrespectful, they get sent home for the day or fired, but management gets away with it. I also can’t stand when people say that’s just how management is. Do managers and bosses realize that employees are the ones who help them keep their business going?

This is coming from an employee perspective. But I just feel like this is something that should happen more often. If a manager or boss is rude or disrespectful to any employees, the punishment for them would be that they should get no help the next day. Think about it, if an employee is rude or disrespectful, they get sent home for the day or fired, but management gets away with it. I also can’t stand when people say that’s just how management is. Do managers and bosses realize that employees are the ones who help them keep their business going?

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