
Having a really hard time letting go of how I was treated at my last job. It’s been a month since I quit and I have PTSD, what have you done to help with this?

I feel like now at this point the only thing for me to do is try to seek justice for how I was treated at my last job, but I feel like that day may never come. I just want to not feel this way anymore. I was just doing dishes this morning and crying over how my manager treated me and how nothing was done after I went to HR about it but me being transferred to an unsafe location which I eventually was forced to quit from. I was with this particular organization for nearly 8 years and never had any complaints or discipline. It just sucks that this is what it came to. The last straw for me is when they called the cops on me under the guise of a “wellness check” even though they told me to not come into work that day. With everything…

I feel like now at this point the only thing for me to do is try to seek justice for how I was treated at my last job, but I feel like that day may never come. I just want to not feel this way anymore.

I was just doing dishes this morning and crying over how my manager treated me and how nothing was done after I went to HR about it but me being transferred to an unsafe location which I eventually was forced to quit from.

I was with this particular organization for nearly 8 years and never had any complaints or discipline. It just sucks that this is what it came to. The last straw for me is when they called the cops on me under the guise of a “wellness check” even though they told me to not come into work that day. With everything going on with the police, the fact that they sent them to my door was a clear message, and I quit after that. I just couldn’t take the abuse anymore, but I still think about it a month later because quite literally the past two years of my life were consumed by it.

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