
Having to deal with an a*hole at a new job

Just started my job about a month and a half ago and have to deal with this rude condescending ahole. He interrupts me when speaking, tells me to “stop talking, just listen” etc. I'm in my late 30s and have been a professional for a long time. This guy isn't even my supervisor, though he is a level above me and gives me tasks. I believe he talks like this to me because I'm a woman, haven't seen him act so rude to any men on calls before. If I'd been here a while and established myself I'd probably tell him he can't speak to me like that, but I'm new and just starting to “prove” myself, and he's been here a long time and a level above me. He's annoying enough to make me want to start looking elsewhere…. Having to be a corporate slave for 40+ years already…

Just started my job about a month and a half ago and have to deal with this rude condescending ahole. He interrupts me when speaking, tells me to “stop talking, just listen” etc. I'm in my late 30s and have been a professional for a long time. This guy isn't even my supervisor, though he is a level above me and gives me tasks. I believe he talks like this to me because I'm a woman, haven't seen him act so rude to any men on calls before. If I'd been here a while and established myself I'd probably tell him he can't speak to me like that, but I'm new and just starting to “prove” myself, and he's been here a long time and a level above me. He's annoying enough to make me want to start looking elsewhere….
Having to be a corporate slave for 40+ years already sucks enough, let alone having to deal with annoying a
holes for 8+ hours a day…

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