
Healthcare Sucks

I work in a major hospital in my state. I’ve worked there over three years, and am a dependable person. Rarely call in, rarely late. I’m there every day, working over time almost every day. Every review is great, never a negative remark from bosses or coworkers. I like what I do, patient care is important to me and that is apparent to anyone that knows me. Anyone that works in health care knows that between Covid and staffing issues, the stress is HIGH. Doesn’t even matter your role, it sucks everywhere. Couple this with personal life issues and ongoing mental health issues I have, in the past two weeks, I’ve been having a really hard time dealing with life. At work they tell us nearly daily about the mental health services that they offer employees, they realize the stress level is shit, “take care of yourself”, etc. Yet…. Despite…

I work in a major hospital in my state. I’ve worked there over three years, and am a dependable person. Rarely call in, rarely late. I’m there every day, working over time almost every day. Every review is great, never a negative remark from bosses or coworkers. I like what I do, patient care is important to me and that is apparent to anyone that knows me.

Anyone that works in health care knows that between Covid and staffing issues, the stress is HIGH. Doesn’t even matter your role, it sucks everywhere. Couple this with personal life issues and ongoing mental health issues I have, in the past two weeks, I’ve been having a really hard time dealing with life. At work they tell us nearly daily about the mental health services that they offer employees, they realize the stress level is shit, “take care of yourself”, etc. Yet….

Despite my normal reliability, in the past two weeks I’ve had a mini-breakdown and just really shitty severe depression. As a result, I called in 3 times and was late several more times. I got an email today from my boss, who sees me every day, knows me well enough, threatening to put me on a PIP if I’m not here on time every day and don’t call out for the next 6 months.

I understand attendance rules and I know what’s expected of me. I know my boss isn’t my friend. But honestly after over three years with no issues, to not have them ask “what’s up with you?” Instead of that shit…I can’t stop think of that. I work so hard in a high stress job and they don’t fucking care.

I just needed to vent. If I broke some rule, feel free to take this down.

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