
healthcare tied to employment is evil

Long time lurker here. I’m French, living in France, but I read this sub a lot and I have always found that healthcare depending on your employment in the US is a way to bully the workforce into submission AND at the same time to keep you poor enough that you can leave your job. I just wanted to share a bit of how things work around here to give some of you an idea how the system works. Not sure if it’s the proper sub for this, I’m a farmer, so independently employed. Meaning for the French system I get the minimum of the minimum. The kind of coverage that even unemployed people get. Yet…. I’ve had some recurring issues with my neck, a lot of pain etc… kinda comes with the territory when you’re a farmer. This afternoon I went to the doctor. The consultation was 25 euros.…

Long time lurker here.
I’m French, living in France, but I read this sub a lot and I have always found that healthcare depending on your employment in the US is a way to bully the workforce into submission AND at the same time to keep you poor enough that you can leave your job.
I just wanted to share a bit of how things work around here to give some of you an idea how the system works. Not sure if it’s the proper sub for this,

I’m a farmer, so independently employed. Meaning for the French system I get the minimum of the minimum. The kind of coverage that even unemployed people get. Yet….
I’ve had some recurring issues with my neck, a lot of pain etc… kinda comes with the territory when you’re a farmer. This afternoon I went to the doctor. The consultation was 25 euros. I have no additional premium, just the universal coverage which means I paid 7,5 euros. He prescribed an X-ray which will costs me probably 10 to 15 euros tops. Then with my prescription I went to the pharmacy. I got painkillers, anti inflammatory pills, pills for stomach coating (because of the anti-inflammatory) and a neck brace. I paid 13.45 euros.

So for roughly 20 euros I got proper healthcare. With or without a job here you get proper healthcare. If I were employed, not self employed I would have also been place on medical leave, with at least 70% of my salary guaranteed. That’s what has been stolen from you in the US.

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