

So my HR director is a WILD person, I can not even begin to explain…. ​ Throws confidential paper work into their casual garbage can, then sits this outside their locked office (when they leave EARLY, only work 2-3 hours “in office) for ALL other employees to see (unacceptable, as we have a recycling bin as well as a “shredding” service we pay monthly for such things)?? Leaves PERSONAL print outs of private e-mails and other content on the company printer regarding ALL my co-workers. I've only been at this job for 8 months, but I find print outs of e-mails between HR and other employees CONSTANTLY, for insurance information, PTO requests, medical issues, etc. This person just outs everyone's PERSONAL info CONSTANTLY, verbally as well as printed on our company printer for others to find. If I find it printed, I either take it to HR or leave it…

So my HR director is a WILD person, I can not even begin to explain….

  1. Throws confidential paper work into their casual garbage can, then sits this outside their locked office (when they leave EARLY, only work 2-3 hours “in office) for ALL other employees to see (unacceptable, as we have a recycling bin as well as a “shredding” service we pay monthly for such things)??
  2. Leaves PERSONAL print outs of private e-mails and other content on the company printer regarding ALL my co-workers. I've only been at this job for 8 months, but I find print outs of e-mails between HR and other employees CONSTANTLY, for insurance information, PTO requests, medical issues, etc. This person just outs everyone's PERSONAL info CONSTANTLY, verbally as well as printed on our company printer for others to find. If I find it printed, I either take it to HR or leave it in their inbox in office, but HR just trashes it, saying they printed it on their own account??? Okay? It just doesn't make sense. It seems very much like deliberate behavior. This person also conducts “speaker phone” conversations with the folks who own our business, and is constantly discussing other co-worker's personal issues and medical conditions. This person ALSO puts “maternity leave requests” on their “in office calendar” accessible to about 40+ folks, and for what?! I mean, this lady in office has just found out she is pregnant, and a LOT can go wrong in the first few months of conception, but NO…HR puts this on their public calendar as a “meeting” with these employees to discuss benefits and leave options for when the baby arrives. This seems WEIRD as hell, especially a MONTH into a pregnancy! Weird!
  3. HR is a weird person, literally seeking attention for ANYTHING! Showing me their “bruises” and “scratches” from their Labor Day weekend activities….NO, I didn't need to see this person's ANYTHING, nor did I ask for it! I was just doing my job after the holiday weekend when HR busted into the office 3 hours late (at 10 AM), then proceeded to give me excuses as to WHY they were late??? (They're my boss, I aint their boss, like wtf? Plus things run more smooth when HR isn't there, for real). Then proceeds to tell me ALL about their Labor Day weekend adventures and SHOWS me their bruises on their hip and their knee etc……it was ODD! Never once did this person ask me WHAT I DID over the Labor Day weekend….. it's ALWAYS a one sided conversation! Pertaining to ONLY them.

What to do!?! Help! There is SO much more I could detail out, I just don't have the capacity at the moment….(such as HR calling/Teams messaging me in the mornings first thing, while they work from home, and I am IN OFFICE, asking me who is there….so they can see if they need to come in or not….ha).. It's a hot mess. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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