
Help investigating work retaliation

TL/DR Is there a service that will check your references posing as a prospecting employer and provide a recording or transcription of the phone call? I’m trying to figure out if my employer is retaliating against me for a complaint I filed for a contract violation. I’ve been trying to find another job but even jobs I’m highly qualified for have rejected me without any explanation. For example, I had a great interview with a company and they rejected me. The following day, they reposted the job (meaning they didn’t hire anyone). I’m almost positive my employer is bad mouthing me. I’m hardly getting any working hours with this job and I’m afraid of having to foreclose on my house within a month or two. Does anyone know of a service that will check your references posing as a prospecting employer and provide a recording or transcription of the phone…

Is there a service that will check your references posing as a prospecting employer and provide a recording or transcription of the phone call?

I’m trying to figure out if my employer is retaliating against me for a complaint I filed for a contract violation. I’ve been trying to find another job but even jobs I’m highly qualified for have rejected me without any explanation. For example, I had a great interview with a company and they rejected me. The following day, they reposted the job (meaning they didn’t hire anyone). I’m almost positive my employer is bad mouthing me. I’m hardly getting any working hours with this job and I’m afraid of having to foreclose on my house within a month or two. Does anyone know of a service that will check your references posing as a prospecting employer and provide a recording or transcription of the phone call (I’m in a one party consent state of that helps)? If they are retaliating, I’m definitely pursuing legal action. Any advice on what to do about that?

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