
Help, job advice needed

Hi all I have a serious question related to my job. I’ve been in a position for about one year and I had a terrible time during that but I stayed to finish out my contract and not be penalized. After my one year I have found two other jobs that seem like better opportunities before I submit my resignation I figured that I’d ask my current job about possibly transferring to another branch that they offer since I have had better experiences at other sites. Mind you I have traveled to several of their other branches covering for people that have either been on vacation or quit. The response I got back was that this is some thing that can be discussed in about a month once the CEO is back from leave. The problem is I don’t have a month to wait. I need to let the jobs…

Hi all I have a serious question related to my job. I’ve been in a position for about one year and I had a terrible time during that but I stayed to finish out my contract and not be penalized. After my one year I have found two other jobs that seem like better opportunities before I submit my resignation I figured that I’d ask my current job about possibly transferring to another branch that they offer since I have had better experiences at other sites. Mind you I have traveled to several of their other branches covering for people that have either been on vacation or quit. The response I got back was that this is some thing that can be discussed in about a month once the CEO is back from leave. The problem is I don’t have a month to wait. I need to let the jobs that I have been offered positions for know by this week whether or not if I accept the position what would you all do if you were me? My current job doesn’t know I’m thinking if leaving.

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