
Help me build up the courage to quit

Hey everyone! So at my current job, I only have about a week left before I'm done and moving onto a better job, which I start on the first of November. The current job I'm at, however, has never treated me well. They constantly exploited my open availability and refused any promotions and sought outside employees for manager positions. In my opinion, they don't deserve anything from me. And that's where we are now. I don't even want to work this last week. I don't even care about burning a bridge because I will NEVER return here. So I'm going to walk out, and take a little time off for myself, and relax for a bit… or so I thought I would. I can't do it. Something – I'm not even sure what – is stopping me from just walking out. I'm too much of a bitch. Please help me…

Hey everyone! So at my current job, I only have about a week left before I'm done and moving onto a better job, which I start on the first of November. The current job I'm at, however, has never treated me well. They constantly exploited my open availability and refused any promotions and sought outside employees for manager positions. In my opinion, they don't deserve anything from me.

And that's where we are now. I don't even want to work this last week. I don't even care about burning a bridge because I will NEVER return here. So I'm going to walk out, and take a little time off for myself, and relax for a bit… or so I thought I would. I can't do it. Something – I'm not even sure what – is stopping me from just walking out. I'm too much of a bitch. Please help me come up with a reason to just leave, so I can be happy.

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