
Help me craft my OoO message

I got an email today that started with “Sorry to bother you on a Saturday, BUT…” and it made me feel like I need to set an Out of Office auto-reply that I turn on every weekend. I'd like to include some helpful content in the reply. Specifically, I'm looking for some links to YouTube videos that talk about healthy work/Life balance strategies. I think I'd like to say something like, “I'm not available over the weekend, and if you feel like you MUST be working, please consider these thoughts:” and the video links would follow. Help me, Reddit!

I got an email today that started with “Sorry to bother you on a Saturday, BUT…” and it made me feel like I need to set an Out of Office auto-reply that I turn on every weekend. I'd like to include some helpful content in the reply. Specifically, I'm looking for some links to YouTube videos that talk about healthy work/Life balance strategies. I think I'd like to say something like, “I'm not available over the weekend, and if you feel like you MUST be working, please consider these thoughts:” and the video links would follow.
Help me, Reddit!

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