
Help me tell my boss I’m not working the day he scheduled me for?

I was hired 3 weeks ago and when I was being interviewed I gave them the days and hours I am available they told me that was fine. Well this friday when the schedule was posted I noticed in on for saturday which is one of the days I cannot work since I have a toddler. I was upset that they did this but thought that maybe they forgot until one of the other girls said they do this all the time. I am trying to cover my bases with things to say that get the point across that I won't be working that shift. I am also a bit of a people pleaser and I'm worried about giving in.

I was hired 3 weeks ago and when I was being interviewed I gave them the days and hours I am available they told me that was fine. Well this friday when the schedule was posted I noticed in on for saturday which is one of the days I cannot work since I have a toddler. I was upset that they did this but thought that maybe they forgot until one of the other girls said they do this all the time. I am trying to cover my bases with things to say that get the point across that I won't be working that shift. I am also a bit of a people pleaser and I'm worried about giving in.

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