
Help me write pro-WFH copy for my client mailers

I work in marketing for a specialized contract recruitment firm. I was recently given authority over our client mailers. They're usually garbage regurgitated clickbait junk that pass the mildest of takes on what's going on in the industry. However I saw the template copy for our next one and it made me a bit sick. Basically we have a bunch of clients who are DEMANDING new hires work 100% in the office. Many are completely inflexible in every sense of the word. In-office work, complete dogshit wages, shit hours. Frankly we cannot fill any of them as a result (and we honestly don't want to if these are the employment terms). Now the template copy for our mailer is some appeasement on how employers are actually right to want to end WFH but they need to be sneaky about how they approach it. It gives vague advice on manipulating and…

I work in marketing for a specialized contract recruitment firm. I was recently given authority over our client mailers. They're usually garbage regurgitated clickbait junk that pass the mildest of takes on what's going on in the industry.

However I saw the template copy for our next one and it made me a bit sick.

Basically we have a bunch of clients who are DEMANDING new hires work 100% in the office. Many are completely inflexible in every sense of the word. In-office work, complete dogshit wages, shit hours. Frankly we cannot fill any of them as a result (and we honestly don't want to if these are the employment terms).

Now the template copy for our mailer is some appeasement on how employers are actually right to want to end WFH but they need to be sneaky about how they approach it. It gives vague advice on manipulating and bullying staff into coming into the office.

Basically there's no chance I am putting my name to it. So I am rewriting it to be more pro-WFH.

However. I need to thread carefully here. I can't out myself as some leftist pinko banging the drum for the proles. I have to use facts and logic to my advantage while stroking the egos of the middle management clients who'll bother reading this. It has to outline that basically the world has changed, employees have more power now, you'll never go back to Feb 2020… but also like state the usual pro-office bits like how it can benefit in training, can help staff collab in some instances, but ultimately if you do have people into the office it should be just for a few hours (not entire days), and should be exempt from “productive” KPIs and demands.

Anyway I was writing this up and figured I might crowd source some ideas from a sub like this if anyone is interested?

I was going to post the original copy and my work so far, but for now I might not just to avoid identification.

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