
Help returning to working

Need some help and advice. I'm looking to get back to work, but I've got a 6 month gap on my resume. I took some time off to deal with depression, take care of my health, and be a single full time parent. I was previously working remotely as a senior software engineer and had a really needy child with health issues going through separation anxiety. I couldn't choose my job over my child. It was difficult to focus and I fell way behind on work. She's young, but now that my kid started school I have time again to get a job. I quit my last job without two weeks notice or anything. Really happy to say I chose myself and my child over a job, but I'm not sure how that will affect things if they do whatever kind of reference check they would do. Would appreciate some…

Need some help and advice. I'm looking to get back to work, but I've got a 6 month gap on my resume. I took some time off to deal with depression, take care of my health, and be a single full time parent. I was previously working remotely as a senior software engineer and had a really needy child with health issues going through separation anxiety. I couldn't choose my job over my child.

It was difficult to focus and I fell way behind on work. She's young, but now that my kid started school I have time again to get a job.

I quit my last job without two weeks notice or anything. Really happy to say I chose myself and my child over a job, but I'm not sure how that will affect things if they do whatever kind of reference check they would do.

Would appreciate some advice on how to make that 6 month gap look good. I did do other things, but they weren't tech related. I helped my best friend start a catering business and also learned how to garden using inexpensive natural farming methods. I'm currently brushing off the rust, learning a new tech stack, and hopeful to get into AI. Thanks in advance for any help, I posted this here hopeful that the community would be more sympathetic. Was hoping to make this anonymous but I'm not much of a reddit user and wasn't sure how.

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