
Help. The person through whom I got my job and who is now my boss is perhaps a ghost employee.

I work for a large company, but through an employment agency. My team is made up entirely of people from the same employment agency. We provide a specific type of work for this large company. None of us has a degree in the field, but each of us brings our own professional and life experience. I joined a few years ago. My manager has always been very friendly and concerned about everyone. As time went by, I began to notice some of his personality traits, such as the need to always show that he's in charge of everything and that he's the boss of everything. But one intriguing detail torments me slightly, and often. He just disappears. We work for this big company and only within it. I found out after a while that he was psychologically abusing several people. Until I learned that he was a childhood friend of…

I work for a large company, but through an employment agency. My team is made up entirely of people from the same employment agency. We provide a specific type of work for this large company. None of us has a degree in the field, but each of us brings our own professional and life experience. I joined a few years ago. My manager has always been very friendly and concerned about everyone. As time went by, I began to notice some of his personality traits, such as the need to always show that he's in charge of everything and that he's the boss of everything. But one intriguing detail torments me slightly, and often. He just disappears. We work for this big company and only within it. I found out after a while that he was psychologically abusing several people. Until I learned that he was a childhood friend of the hiring agents. Somehow, when he wasn't a manager yet, he managed to create a position above the existing management, and got on top of everyone. When I joined, he was already the boss. Now, talking more with other co-workers, I realize that everyone sees the same thing, but no one seems to want to take action, everyone is afraid of retaliation and losing their job. There's a good chance he's a ghost employee. I'm not sure if he arranged this perk with the contracting company…
In the end, even though I want peace of mind, I know that this isn't right, but I always end up convincing myself that this job is just a stepping stone to something better in my life, and any attempt to do the right thing will waste energy that I should be putting into other areas of my life. I also think that all this may just be a mask I've created for my cowardice. The company has an anonymous hotline. I know that everyone can be affected by this. I don't know if the best choice is just to come clean, but at the same time, I think it would be naïve to try to come clean with someone who prides himself on not following the rules of any game. He could just make light of it and hush it up (as has already happened, from what I hear). I'm a cautious person and I choose my words, I know all the ways he tells his lies, I watch everything in silence. Some here will tell me to forget all this, while others will tell me to do everything I want. Every choice in this life has a bottom line, and in this case, I don't know which one to choose. Could you at least tell me what you think?

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