
Help with finding a job

So, I know its funny to find a job on r/antiwork of all places, but here me out. I don't like work. retail sucks, fast food sucks even more, and being a waitress is living hell for me. Ideally, i want one of those jobs were you sit in an office for 8 hours a day, doing maybe 3 hours of work all day, and get paid for all 8 hours. The problem is, I don't know what work they actually do in one of those jobs, much less what the job name is called or how to find it near me, so I'm hoping for a little help there. Any ideas? Also, I live in a major metropolitan area, so I imagine my chances would be better here than anyplace rural.

So, I know its funny to find a job on r/antiwork of all places, but here me out.

I don't like work. retail sucks, fast food sucks even more, and being a waitress is living hell for me. Ideally, i want one of those jobs were you sit in an office for 8 hours a day, doing maybe 3 hours of work all day, and get paid for all 8 hours. The problem is, I don't know what work they actually do in one of those jobs, much less what the job name is called or how to find it near me, so I'm hoping for a little help there. Any ideas?

Also, I live in a major metropolitan area, so I imagine my chances would be better here than anyplace rural.

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