
Here’s a hot take…

Stop asking why nobody tries to go on strike or unionize. Seriously. Its not conducive to change. Ask instead how do i begin the process of doing that myself. I cant be the only person on this sub with organizing experience, as limited in success as it may be. I cant be the only one with a red card in here. Im sick of people whove never even done anything “leftist” besides rant online making self righteous posts going off on why we dont do these things. You have no idea how hard it is, how much time it takes, to build a movement with the capacity to have general strikes. Put up or shut up. We can ask why people arent on board once we have a board to stand on

Stop asking why nobody tries to go on strike or unionize. Seriously. Its not conducive to change. Ask instead how do i begin the process of doing that myself.

I cant be the only person on this sub with organizing experience, as limited in success as it may be. I cant be the only one with a red card in here. Im sick of people whove never even done anything “leftist” besides rant online making self righteous posts going off on why we dont do these things. You have no idea how hard it is, how much time it takes, to build a movement with the capacity to have general strikes.

Put up or shut up. We can ask why people arent on board once we have a board to stand on

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