
Here’s what they think of us…

​ Employers are taking classes on how not to hire disturbed people. In my experience on both sides of the chair, they really mean ANYONE who rocks the boat by getting what's fair and legal. “While no one wears a T-shirt advertising their dysfunction, it’s really so simple to avoid hiring these people that you have to wonder why every employer has at least one of these types of people working for them, often in a management role. While they don’t wear T-shirts they are easy to pick out if you know what to look for and how to talk to them.” Am I the only one who fears this reality is the truth?

Employers are taking classes on how not to hire disturbed people. In my experience on both sides of the chair, they really mean ANYONE who rocks the boat by getting what's fair and legal.

“While no one wears a T-shirt advertising their dysfunction, it’s really so simple to avoid hiring these people that you have to wonder why every employer has at least one of these types of people working for them, often in a management role. While they don’t wear T-shirts they are easy to pick out if you know what to look for and how to talk to them.”

Am I the only one who fears this reality is the truth?

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