
Hey, Circle K. Give people their fucking raises back.

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush. Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who…

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush.

Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who can't deal with either one without passing someone off. Then you hilariously introduced chicken sandwiches that you have to actually put together. So now we are fast food employees who also have to deal with a line of people. While you take away raises and bonuses, and in place impliment a discount that makes the food the price it should be anyway.

So. Circle K. Give people fucking raises. I hit my 2 year mark a few months ago and got jack shit. The only reason I make as much as I do is because your managers fucked me out of $2 extra an hour by lying to me and telling me you were going to give it to me even if I didn't transfer to a store that had it, and wanted me. So I stayed. You gave me 62 cents instead, and that was AFTER you gave me 15 cents and i raised all kinds of hell.

Tbe ONLY reason i still work here is i like some of my coroworkers and my direct manager hasn't pissed me off yet. And I live directly across the street and only work weekends to pay my car payments. But I am fully aware that literally everywhere around here. Including the 3 other gas stations in the quarter mile radius, pay way more. Some as much as $3 starting.

All your new hires are thieves and drunks and it's hilarious cuz you can't figure out why. “WE GIVE A PERSONALITY TEST!! WHY DO WE KEEP GETTING SHIT PEOPLE??”


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Hey, Circle K. Give people their fucking raises back.

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush. Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who…

You took away the raise structure almost 2 years ago to “impliment a new one”. We all thought $15 an hour was coming. We made $13.50 base at the time, and prices had already doubled. 2 years later, you're still starting people at $13.50 and hilariously, but genuinely wondering why you can't find good people. Well, when you do find good people you fire them when they get robbed by 17 year Olds with assault rifles. The day after it happened. Because he had “too much money in his drawer” during a rush.

Oh. And then you said fuck it and took away bonuses entirely. You started by making them more and more unattainable by jacking up metrics. Then you cut hours making it to where only ONE person is working most times. So now you have one person working with a line of people, and 2 ovens beeping who can't deal with either one without passing someone off. Then you hilariously introduced chicken sandwiches that you have to actually put together. So now we are fast food employees who also have to deal with a line of people. While you take away raises and bonuses, and in place impliment a discount that makes the food the price it should be anyway.

So. Circle K. Give people fucking raises. I hit my 2 year mark a few months ago and got jack shit. The only reason I make as much as I do is because your managers fucked me out of $2 extra an hour by lying to me and telling me you were going to give it to me even if I didn't transfer to a store that had it, and wanted me. So I stayed. You gave me 62 cents instead, and that was AFTER you gave me 15 cents and i raised all kinds of hell.

Tbe ONLY reason i still work here is i like some of my coroworkers and my direct manager hasn't pissed me off yet. And I live directly across the street and only work weekends to pay my car payments. But I am fully aware that literally everywhere around here. Including the 3 other gas stations in the quarter mile radius, pay way more. Some as much as $3 starting.

All your new hires are thieves and drunks and it's hilarious cuz you can't figure out why. “WE GIVE A PERSONALITY TEST!! WHY DO WE KEEP GETTING SHIT PEOPLE??”


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