
Hey friends need help – unsafe working conditions

My girlfriend works in a cleaners and it’s their kind of HQ where they have pressers and all this machinery. They don’t have AC and she just told me the fans stopped working. This is illegal right? Management is gone, and the fans won’t be back on until next week. This is Albany, NY area – she said it was 100 degrees in the store yesterday due to the machinery. Do I report this to OSHA? Im working myself so don’t have a ton of time to look into this ATM.

My girlfriend works in a cleaners and it’s their kind of HQ where they have pressers and all this machinery. They don’t have AC and she just told me the fans stopped working.

This is illegal right? Management is gone, and the fans won’t be back on until next week.

This is Albany, NY area – she said it was 100 degrees in the store yesterday due to the machinery.

Do I report this to OSHA? Im working myself so don’t have a ton of time to look into this ATM.

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