
Hey restaurants and other eating establishments! Regarding dishwashers!! Why is it sooo taboo to have help! Why am I always. ALWAYS the only dishwasher? WTF!

It's bullshit! Like doing the dishes at a restaurant may sound easy but OOOOHHH man it is one of the hardest and most stressful jobs I ever done. I worked at multiple establishments and I usually get NO HELP doing these dishes. You may be saying. If it's a few it's not bad and your right. However I beg to differ when you walk in. There is a mountain of dirty dishes and cooking items. You constantly throw it in the machine which is slow as shit! And when it's good, you grab the piping hot dish or pan and you walk all across the room just to put it away. Many times the thing isn't clean despite scrubbing it and need to put it in the machine AGAIN! Of that isn't annoying and shitty enough! Your constantly getting piled with more things to wash! Like you get rid of…

It's bullshit! Like doing the dishes at a restaurant may sound easy but OOOOHHH man it is one of the hardest and most stressful jobs I ever done. I worked at multiple establishments and I usually get NO HELP doing these dishes. You may be saying. If it's a few it's not bad and your right. However I beg to differ when you walk in. There is a mountain of dirty dishes and cooking items. You constantly throw it in the machine which is slow as shit! And when it's good, you grab the piping hot dish or pan and you walk all across the room just to put it away. Many times the thing isn't clean despite scrubbing it and need to put it in the machine AGAIN! Of that isn't annoying and shitty enough! Your constantly getting piled with more things to wash! Like you get rid of one, only to be forced to clean like 5 more! Also keep this in mind, I am getting no help! Like if I had assistance, this job won't be nearly as bad! Why is it so taboo for dish washers to get help!?!?!

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