
Higher pay equates to more competition for those jobs.

So many here believe in a “living wage”, but has anyone stopped and thought for a second that by raising wages to a living wage those people will still be left out and possibly worse off? My theory…. Say you’re at a current job that is paying $12/hr. now miraculously the company decides to pay $30/hr to give their workers a better life… but now they also need to downsize their worker base…. Also perhaps now those very people who needed that living wage won’t even be considered for that position since it’s now attracted a lot more qualified and overqualified people to apply to those jobs that were once unattractive…. I mean it’s just a theory but does anyone else think it’s a legit theory that is very likely to happen?

So many here believe in a “living wage”, but has anyone stopped and thought for a second that by raising wages to a living wage those people will still be left out and possibly worse off? My theory…. Say you’re at a current job that is paying $12/hr. now miraculously the company decides to pay $30/hr to give their workers a better life… but now they also need to downsize their worker base…. Also perhaps now those very people who needed that living wage won’t even be considered for that position since it’s now attracted a lot more qualified and overqualified people to apply to those jobs that were once unattractive…. I mean it’s just a theory but does anyone else think it’s a legit theory that is very likely to happen?

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