
Hired for evaluation at minimum wage, do I “quit”?

I was recently laid off from one company, was “hired” at another doing something similar, but not the same. They hired me for an evaluation period, thing, I haven't signed anything. She said that she would write me a cheque at the end of it, but I would have to do the taxes on it myself. I worked two days last week, and I'm supposed to work tomorrow and the next day. On Friday of last week the client we were working with asked if we did another type of work in the same field (think painting trim but this company only does cabinets). The guy I was working with said that they don't do cabinets but I have experience. So I got a side job from it. The guy is the owners husband and she called me on Monday to say that it is a conflict of interest to…

I was recently laid off from one company, was “hired” at another doing something similar, but not the same. They hired me for an evaluation period, thing, I haven't signed anything. She said that she would write me a cheque at the end of it, but I would have to do the taxes on it myself.

I worked two days last week, and I'm supposed to work tomorrow and the next day. On Friday of last week the client we were working with asked if we did another type of work in the same field (think painting trim but this company only does cabinets). The guy I was working with said that they don't do cabinets but I have experience. So I got a side job from it. The guy is the owners husband and she called me on Monday to say that it is a conflict of interest to take sidework and that they are thinking about expanding the business into trim.

I told her that she hasn't had me sign anything. She's paying me minimum wage. So I don't understand how she can say that I'm not allowed to take side work for something that even her husband told the client they don't do. She also mentioned that this is their wrapping it up week. As in. No more work after this week. Why are they hiring someone right now.

I have work in 4.5h and I am tempted to text her and tell her to etransfer me the money for what I've worked. But I don't think that we are going to work well together.

I cannot fathom asking me to not take side work when they're at max paying me $400 for two weeks of work when I would be making that in a day with the side job.

I also kinda need the push to respectfully tell her to shove it.

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