
Hired to be a team leader and never given team leader responsibilities which was my fault apparently

Hello Reddit, So I was hired in May to be a landscape Team Leader back in May with a small 2 owner 2 laborer crew with a plan of building the crew up this summer. I was told on my first day we would spend the first 6-8 weeks learning their company standard and rhythm of how they like to operate, no problem as that is a standard way of onboarding to a new company. So time goes by and in my eyes and past experience we were completing projects as scheduled and were getting in the rhythm of things with eachother as a team. Throughout this time we had a few common hiccups and a couple wtf moments but nothing that was solved through teamwork. 3 weeks in and they hire another laborer as planned, we work the day and tensions rise as everyone is trying to express their…

Hello Reddit,

So I was hired in May to be a landscape Team Leader back in May with a small 2 owner 2 laborer crew with a plan of building the crew up this summer. I was told on my first day we would spend the first 6-8 weeks learning their company standard and rhythm of how they like to operate, no problem as that is a standard way of onboarding to a new company.

So time goes by and in my eyes and past experience we were completing projects as scheduled and were getting in the rhythm of things with eachother as a team. Throughout this time we had a few common hiccups and a couple wtf moments but nothing that was solved through teamwork. 3 weeks in and they hire another laborer as planned, we work the day and tensions rise as everyone is trying to express their thoughts and opinions on our next steps of the project.

So I step back and let the 2 owners decide the next steps as they have the final say in everything. Moments after that they pulled me over to the side and pretty much told me that I am not performing like a team leader as they hired me to be.

Up until this moment in my work with them they had not shared any project plans with me until they were giving me orders, the 2 owners worked on every project to start and were acting as the leaders by directing us and they hadn't had enough people for us to even form a crew… So when I was told this I was a bit flabbergasted and told them that I would improve…. Ended up having a rain day the following day with no rain actually come down, and then another rain day but this time it actually rained…

So I had 2 days of introspection, which led to me deciding that it was not worth continuing with these kind of people, so I had sent them a letter of resignation, to which I never even received a response for. The following day was also payday, which also never came! can you believe it, probably at this point…

Other then the labor board, what are some things that can be done to let them know they fucked up?

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