
History repeating itself…

I'm reading “Ours was the Shining Future” by David Leonhardt, and my eyes caught this quote from Floyd B. Olson in 1933: The United States has created the greatest industrial system in the history of the world, but that system has concerned itself almost entirely with profit, and has been blind or selfish insofar as the welfare of the mass of the people is concerned. Feels like we're just repeating the 1900's all over again… Anyway, I encourage everyone else to pick up a copy of that book. Seems interesting so far (I haven't finished). Note: I'm not affiliated with the author in anyway.

I'm reading “Ours was the Shining Future” by David Leonhardt, and my eyes caught this quote from Floyd B. Olson in 1933:

The United States has created the greatest industrial system in the history of the world, but that system has concerned itself almost entirely with profit, and has been blind or selfish insofar as the welfare of the mass of the people is concerned.

Feels like we're just repeating the 1900's all over again…

Anyway, I encourage everyone else to pick up a copy of that book. Seems interesting so far (I haven't finished). Note: I'm not affiliated with the author in anyway.

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