
Holding onto a niche vs getting an assistant

I’ve worked my way into a niche. And at the moment, I’m the only person in my company that can do my job. My work has been hinting that I should train up an assistant to help me. My responsibilities are probably more than a 1 person job, but not enough for two people. However if I trained someone up, this would allow me to go part time. This would be good because I have a lot of parental and other responsibilities after work meaning I feel as if I have zero time to myself. My employer is ruthless though and I’m worried once l I give away the secret sauce, they would make me redundant once it gets less busy. On the other hand, I don’t have time for hobbies, I’m getting unfit due to lack of time for exercise and I don’t see friends as often as I’d…

I’ve worked my way into a niche. And at the moment, I’m the only person in my company that can do my job. My work has been hinting that I should train up an assistant to help me. My responsibilities are probably more than a 1 person job, but not enough for two people. However if I trained someone up, this would allow me to go part time. This would be good because I have a lot of parental and other responsibilities after work meaning I feel as if I have zero time to myself.
My employer is ruthless though and I’m worried once l I give away the secret sauce, they would make me redundant once it gets less busy.
On the other hand, I don’t have time for hobbies, I’m getting unfit due to lack of time for exercise and I don’t see friends as often as I’d like. I’m starting to think now is the time while my children are still young-ish that I can do things with them and I’m also young enough to try some new things / sports / hobbies without being too old.
I’m in my mid forties and can afford to go part time financially.
I think I could have someone trained up to do 80% my job within 1 year.
Should I go part time and risk getting edged out? Or should I keep my head down a little longer hoping that once my children get a little older and more independent I’ll have more of a life?

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