
Holiday Party? More like child’s party.

Every year my company host a holiday party for associates and their family. One of the executives is huge on making it FAMILY friendly and not just for the parents. In the past there has been activities for the kids but also aspects for the associates themselves – like gift cards for local businesses and prizes such as PTO days or merchandise. This year, however, was an embarrassment. The food was bland, the only thing really for associates was bingo and had more kids toys on the prize table than adults, the activities were cookie decorating and reindeer food, and lastly, the big spectacle of a local business that sells flavored sodas, teas, etc. had a limited supply with teeny tiny cups. As one of the MANY childless employees, this was ridiculous and definitely is giving me a reason to walk out the door. It’s honestly embarrassing that the company…

Every year my company host a holiday party for associates and their family. One of the executives is huge on making it FAMILY friendly and not just for the parents. In the past there has been activities for the kids but also aspects for the associates themselves – like gift cards for local businesses and prizes such as PTO days or merchandise. This year, however, was an embarrassment. The food was bland, the only thing really for associates was bingo and had more kids toys on the prize table than adults, the activities were cookie decorating and reindeer food, and lastly, the big spectacle of a local business that sells flavored sodas, teas, etc. had a limited supply with teeny tiny cups.

As one of the MANY childless employees, this was ridiculous and definitely is giving me a reason to walk out the door. It’s honestly embarrassing that the company can’t grow up.

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