

I missed a department meeting yesterday because I was out on vacation. Apparently they handed out books that we are expected to read, complete quizzes at the end of each chapter and then be prepared to discuss the reading material at the next meeting. Jokes on them, I will be doing all of this during my shift. I’m extra salty because I’m currently working full time and attending college as a full time student. Even if I was one of those employees who let this shit slide and do work outside of work, I literally do not have time to do it.

I missed a department meeting yesterday because I was out on vacation. Apparently they handed out books that we are expected to read, complete quizzes at the end of each chapter and then be prepared to discuss the reading material at the next meeting.

Jokes on them, I will be doing all of this during my shift.

I’m extra salty because I’m currently working full time and attending college as a full time student. Even if I was one of those employees who let this shit slide and do work outside of work, I literally do not have time to do it.

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