
Honestly i’m tired. The American dream isn’t a reality anymore. Time to move on for me. Away from the land of the “free” wage slaves.

That feeling of hopelessness you have when you see an 18-year vet at your company that you knew worked his ass off get laid off and with it his hope of a full retirement. Now he will have to rely on SS checks and the meager amount in his 401k. Could only be around 200k if I did the math right. While also knowing that he will never be in another company long enough to get a good retirement. The feeling that you're not going to be moving anywhere in life because you're stuck using 90% of your income on extortionist level of rent with it going up every year, bills, food, and other expenditures. After being betrayed and used financially by my supposed best bro that I knew ever since I was 5 years old all because of the American culture of screwing over everyone all for yourself. I…

That feeling of hopelessness you have when you see an 18-year vet at your company that you knew worked his ass off get laid off and with it his hope of a full retirement. Now he will have to rely on SS checks and the meager amount in his 401k. Could only be around 200k if I did the math right. While also knowing that he will never be in another company long enough to get a good retirement.

The feeling that you're not going to be moving anywhere in life because you're stuck using 90% of your income on extortionist level of rent with it going up every year, bills, food, and other expenditures.

After being betrayed and used financially by my supposed best bro that I knew ever since I was 5 years old all because of the American culture of screwing over everyone all for yourself.

I just got fed up with it. Unfortunately I made the mistake of telling my family that I wanted to become a digital nomad and live in a van so I could save my money for the future. Of course, I was greeted by ignorant people living in a bubble with no understanding “Oh you're going to be a loser now?” “Going to be a homeless bum?”. This just showed me what I needed to hear. What I needed to acknowledge. My family was close-minded and didn't care about me at all. They knew nothing about me. They hated how I was trying to take a “Shortcut” that they perceived was only available to millionaires. They hated how I didn't need to have a mortgage loan payment and 2 car payments to be happy.

All of this drama did make me rethink my plan. Living in a van won't get me away from the borderline crazy atmosphere of America with our crazed politics, insane food/gas prices, the absolutely sad state of our cities, and the lack of respect given to regular workers. What will?

I found my answer after doing 2 months of research and networking with people and finding out it was actually very feasible. I had found YouTube videos of digital expats traveling and living abroad. At first, I doubted myself, Ah I can't do that I don't have the skills nor the money but it's actually feasible if you at-least a decent sized nest egg saved up. So I made up my mind. The simpler life in Asia attracted me and my being of Asian descent would make it slightly easier to blend in. People there aside from extreme cases were just….. Happy. The expats and foreign retirees there explained and showed me how being away from the toxic life of America was good for them. With none of them being absurdly rich most at my level in terms of financial stability.

I thought to myself but you know what? I have no connections with America anymore. My family showed their true nature of being content in their little bubble with no regard for the well-being of anyone else even their own flesh and blood so why should I care about them?

Two more years and I will be free from the “American dream” living a simpler life in a country where people respect each other and you can have a conversation with them without the unneeded censorship like you have in the states. I don't have to worry about offending someone if I have a stance on something. Food will no longer be a choice of ” Do I starve? or Do I live off of 28 cent packs of ramen again”. Having just a better quality of life with far less.

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