
Honesty on an “anonymous” workplace survey?

My company's HR team recently sent out a company wide email saying they'll be doing an anonymous workplace survey. I am under no illusions about anonymonity, but wonder what might happen if I were honest. I generally like my job and my colleagues. Upper management is toxic in my department though. Ultimately, it's one bad leader overextended himself into a position he should have never had. He bullies, micromanages, believes might makes right. Disrespectful to the team, constantly negative, and EVERYTHING IS URGENT!!! He's made some comments about having his ass handed to him by his boss, so it seems like he's on somebody else's shit list. He's not very well-liked with upper management and lower level people alike. I need this job and don't want to risk it, but I also wish others were aware of the situation because it's becoming untenable for me. I'm close to breaking.

My company's HR team recently sent out a company wide email saying they'll be doing an anonymous workplace survey. I am under no illusions about anonymonity, but wonder what might happen if I were honest.

I generally like my job and my colleagues. Upper management is toxic in my department though. Ultimately, it's one bad leader overextended himself into a position he should have never had. He bullies, micromanages, believes might makes right. Disrespectful to the team, constantly negative, and EVERYTHING IS URGENT!!! He's made some comments about having his ass handed to him by his boss, so it seems like he's on somebody else's shit list. He's not very well-liked with upper management and lower level people alike.

I need this job and don't want to risk it, but I also wish others were aware of the situation because it's becoming untenable for me. I'm close to breaking.

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