
Horror story, advise needed

I’ve worked at my company for 15 years. Managed a very successful account. Brought in millions of dollars. With the amount of sales lost over the pandemic and some very stupid business moves made by my boss (also owner of the company), we were told last week that the company is “merging” with another. I use “merge” in quotes because of this: A select few of us were asked to essentially interview at this new company, for our own job positions. We were also told our boss no longer has a say in who is going there and who isn’t. Sounds like a buy out to me!!!! I should mention, a month before this took place, I returned to work after being out all summer on medical leave. When I came back to work, my boss told me business was starting to pick up… he then laid off 4 people…

I’ve worked at my company for 15 years.
Managed a very successful account. Brought in millions of dollars.

With the amount of sales lost over the pandemic and some very stupid business moves made by my boss (also owner of the company), we were told last week that the company is “merging” with another.

I use “merge” in quotes because of this:
A select few of us were asked to essentially interview at this new company, for our own job positions. We were also told our boss no longer has a say in who is going there and who isn’t. Sounds like a buy out to me!!!!

I should mention, a month before this took place, I returned to work after being out all summer on medical leave. When I came back to work, my boss told me business was starting to pick up… he then laid off 4 people 5 days later….he’s being lying to my face ever since I came back.

What’s worse.. is he told me that if this new “merger”wasn’t for me, that I would be entitled to a week’s severance per every year I’ve been with the company.

I was offered a position at the new company for 10k less than my salary now.

I am now being told the following:

If we received an offer from the new company, and take it, we will receive a 4 week sign on bonus.

If we received an offer and decline it,
We are only entitled to a week
Per every 2 years at the company .

If a person did not receive an offer at all, then they are entitled to a week’s severance per every year they’ve been with the company.

So yeah, I’ve lost my 4 month severance because if I don’t take the job I’m penalized for being ungrateful.

Isn’t that great?

Any insight would be much appreciated

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