
Hospital “expectations” are absolutely horseshit.

So, back at the beginning of the year I was doing some hard-core job hunting. Eventually found my current place of employment and I'm absolutely happy where I ended up. However, this story is about a place and job that I'd never wanna do, and expectations that are absolutely asinine. One of the places I interviewed at was a newer area hospital. It was for a management position with duties that I could easily handle. Turns out, the expectations were really fucked up. Essentially, they just wanted an hourly “supervisor in name only”. Red flags galore. Interview was with 3 people, all of them with really shitty attitudes. Questions asked were about how available I was, how “committed to the job” I would be, how it was “integral” that I didn't miss days and that I needed to put the Hospital first because other folks depended on me. Rain, sleet,…

So, back at the beginning of the year I was doing some hard-core job hunting. Eventually found my current place of employment and I'm absolutely happy where I ended up.

However, this story is about a place and job that I'd never wanna do, and expectations that are absolutely asinine.

One of the places I interviewed at was a newer area hospital. It was for a management position with duties that I could easily handle.
Turns out, the expectations were really fucked up.

Essentially, they just wanted an hourly “supervisor in name only”. Red flags galore.
Interview was with 3 people, all of them with really shitty attitudes.

Questions asked were about how available I was, how “committed to the job” I would be, how it was “integral” that I didn't miss days and that I needed to put the Hospital first because other folks depended on me. Rain, sleet, snow, all of that horseshit couldn't stop me, as a working supervisor, from coming in, even on a day off.

They were very cagey about pay and benefits, which weren't accurately listed.

They asked certain questions about how I'd handle various situations (which I answered), and they asked other questions about “difficult” situations in previous jobs (which I turned around on them, much to their dismay).

Eventually said my goodbyes. Told then their job and expectations were both unrealistic and ridiculous.

Obviously didn't get a call back from them, but glad I was able to at least call them out on their bullshit at the time.

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