
Hospitality is draining

It's been a year since I've started working at a hotel. This is my first hotel job. I work at the front desk. I actually wanted to work in the hotel industry, I mean the hotel discounts + talking to different people from different places and occupations. I genuinely wanted to get into event planning in the hotel industry. It can be a pretty rewarding job. I work for a good company and I have great managers. However, this shit is fucking tiring. It's draining. These people go insane when they don't get a specific floor or when they have to pay for parking or breakfast. My company says “When you have a passion for helping people, then hospitality is the right job for you”. Fucking bullshit because all I am helping are entitled rich people. Every day I ask myself, “How does anyone last so long in this industry?”.…

It's been a year since I've started working at a hotel. This is my first hotel job. I work at the front desk. I actually wanted to work in the hotel industry, I mean the hotel discounts + talking to different people from different places and occupations. I genuinely wanted to get into event planning in the hotel industry. It can be a pretty rewarding job.

I work for a good company and I have great managers. However, this shit is fucking tiring. It's draining. These people go insane when they don't get a specific floor or when they have to pay for parking or breakfast. My company says “When you have a passion for helping people, then hospitality is the right job for you”. Fucking bullshit because all I am helping are entitled rich people.

Every day I ask myself, “How does anyone last so long in this industry?”. In the past year of my working here, 3 people have quit. It's not the company or the job, it's the PEOPLE. I am so over it. This is an adult daycare. And I don't get paid that much to deal with these people's problems.

Boohoo you didn't get the fucking 5th floor on a sold-out night and you didn't get housekeeping one day during your 10-day stay. Or they throw a fucking tantrum when I gave them cocktail napkins instead of dining napkins, I DON'T WORK IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE. Also they just specifically asked for napkins. How am I supposed to know the difference you stupid fuck? I just work the front desk, I don't fucking know everything nor can I solve all your fucking problems.

There are people that are dying! There's a fucking war going on right now and you're mad because you didn't get the 5th floor you old fuck.

Thank you for reading this, I am over this industry. And I am someone who actually wanted to be in this industry.

Now I just want a little office job where I work weekdays and don't work weekends or holidays. Where I can take little weekend vacations without having to request those days off every fucking time.

Please let me know if there are other positions I should look into besides the hotel/hospitality industry. I am genuinely over it.

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