
Hot? Take: Coworkers are by far worse than bosses.

See people rail about bosses and higher ups all the time, but tbh never had an issue. Coworkers are the absolute worst. The snakes and brown nosers. The guy who does literally absolutely nothing, fucking over the guys on the next shift, but somehow scoots by, the guy who says you didn't do anything either before you've finished or when you're the one that did everything including his job… The gossips playing telephone about someone else across 2 cities and 8 buildings, and vulgar MFs who are like “yo what you think about X bosses titties? I bet her boyfriend blablablabla.” Like bruh. I met you 2 weeks ago, we talked twice, and we kinda work together. I don't know you? What barn did you crawl out of to be telling me your erotic fanfic fantasies about the boss and her boyfriend? And the most infuriating is when it's the…

See people rail about bosses and higher ups all the time, but tbh never had an issue. Coworkers are the absolute worst. The snakes and brown nosers. The guy who does literally absolutely nothing, fucking over the guys on the next shift, but somehow scoots by, the guy who says you didn't do anything either before you've finished or when you're the one that did everything including his job… The gossips playing telephone about someone else across 2 cities and 8 buildings, and vulgar MFs who are like “yo what you think about X bosses titties? I bet her boyfriend blablablabla.” Like bruh. I met you 2 weeks ago, we talked twice, and we kinda work together. I don't know you? What barn did you crawl out of to be telling me your erotic fanfic fantasies about the boss and her boyfriend?

And the most infuriating is when it's the most petty shift imaginable. Like one time a guy didn't do his job and got in a little trouble, he asked me if I knew that it had to be done. I said, “No, had no idea, it's not part of my tasks.” And then I helped him do the entire thing from start to finish… Like 2 hours later, I was getting a lecture from the boss about how even if it's not my job I can help coworkers if I have time.

Another time the guys I was waiting for didn't show up and called to cancel. I go take a shit, 5 minutes max. By end of day, sitting at bosses office about how I “disappeared” when my coworker “needed me” and was “searching for me everywhere.” Even though I brought both my work phone and the radio to the shitter, and with the other guys having cancelled, we were essentially off for the morning, so there was literally no reason for him to be looking for me, nor anything he needed help with. Just saw I was gone for 5 mins and used it to brown nose.

One time I asked a coworker for a tylenol for a headache, and friend of mine who works at the same company but another office across the city heard about it by the end of the day. Like really? There was no better gossip than my (chronic) migraines the day I forgot my tylenols? So there's no hangover juiciness even in the gossip. I take them multiple times a day every time…

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