
Hotel Hell.. is pretty darn cathartic.

I stumbled upon this series on YouTube the other day. I’d never watched any Gordon Ramsey shows, but I was feeling it. After a couple episodes left me all choked up I feel like anyone who gets shit on at work a lot can really appreciate the premise. It’s usually Gordon comes in, staff tells him all the issues, Gordon absolutely obliterates the clueless tyrant owner, and then he helps build the whole ordeal back better and empowers the staff to make things right and now take shit from the owners. Boy oh boy if I could have Gordon come in and yell at my CEO and the board at my company it would feel so nice.

I stumbled upon this series on YouTube the other day. I’d never watched any Gordon Ramsey shows, but I was feeling it.
After a couple episodes left me all choked up I feel like anyone who gets shit on at work a lot can really appreciate the premise. It’s usually Gordon comes in, staff tells him all the issues, Gordon absolutely obliterates the clueless tyrant owner, and then he helps build the whole ordeal back better and empowers the staff to make things right and now take shit from the owners. Boy oh boy if I could have Gordon come in and yell at my CEO and the board at my company it would feel so nice.

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