
Hounded by job recruiters

Delete if not allowed – I’ve been consistently hounded by recruiters as of late. One in particular sent me an email, then seconds later called me. Then, texted me past 7pm. Then this morning, I started doing my daily morning routine, etc. I get a phone call. It’s barely 8am. It’s the recruiter. She is talking over me, proceeds to insult me because I haven’t sent her the acknowledgement of the job yet, mind you, when she gave me all this info, it was past 7pm yesterday. I just simply didn’t get to it yet. Then low and behold, she sent me an email half an hour before calling me. I told her that because of this experience with her, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I didn’t want to proceed. I just honestly didn’t want to continue having to converse with her. It’s insane how much…

Delete if not allowed –

I’ve been consistently hounded by recruiters as of late. One in particular sent me an email, then seconds later called me. Then, texted me past 7pm. Then this morning, I started doing my daily morning routine, etc. I get a phone call. It’s barely 8am. It’s the recruiter. She is talking over me, proceeds to insult me because I haven’t sent her the acknowledgement of the job yet, mind you, when she gave me all this info, it was past 7pm yesterday. I just simply didn’t get to it yet. Then low and behold, she sent me an email half an hour before calling me. I told her that because of this experience with her, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I didn’t want to proceed. I just honestly didn’t want to continue having to converse with her.

It’s insane how much they contact you. Like give me time to respond to your first email before sending me several more, calls and texts.

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