
Hour Changes, Screaming Matches, and Other Stories

So for further context, here is my previous post So after the whole fiasco with scheduling and the Pantera concert, my boss said he was going to cut everyone's hours. As of Tuesday, he had me scheduled 6 days a week through to the end of October, including a shift on my fucking wedding day, which I had told him about several times. I planned to ask about this is a calm manner, until I got to work today. For this portion, I'll refer to myself as (DF) and my manager as (M) I walked into the shop and prepped for my shift, only for M to start yelling at me M: You're not working six days a week, that's bullshit, and I never scheduled it DF: Yeah, you did. (At this point, I showed him the schedule on the app we use) M: No, I fucking didn't. You're not…

So for further context, here is my previous post

So after the whole fiasco with scheduling and the Pantera concert, my boss said he was going to cut everyone's hours. As of Tuesday, he had me scheduled 6 days a week through to the end of October, including a shift on my fucking wedding day, which I had told him about several times. I planned to ask about this is a calm manner, until I got to work today. For this portion, I'll refer to myself as (DF) and my manager as (M)

 I walked into the shop and prepped for my shift, only for M to start yelling at me

M: You're not working six days a week, that's bullshit, and I never scheduled it

DF: Yeah, you did. (At this point, I showed him the schedule on the app we use)

M: No, I fucking didn't. You're not working six days a week ever

DF: Well I worked Tuesday, and I'm scheduled till Monday, so I think that makes six days,
correct me if I'm wrong

M: You worked Tuesday because (Co-worker name) said he couldn't

DF: Bullshit. I spoke to him on Tuesday and he had no idea he was even scheduled. He even offered to come down and I told him not to worry about it, seeing as I was already here

M: He said he wouldn't be here

DF: Even if he had, why didn't you just tell me instead of just telling everyone that I was scheduled? You need to communicate with me on shit like that. If you want me to cover someone's shift, talk to me

M: I don't need to tell you a fucking thing! I don't have to say shit to you!

DF: Yes, you fucking do. If you want me to work when my name isn't on the schedule, you need to talk to me.

M: I'm the fucking boss!

DF: Okay boss man, another thing. Why the fuck am I scheduled on my wedding day? I told you ten thousand times if I told you once that I'm getting married on (Day in October) and yet I'm still on the schedule.

M: The computer just does that

DF: So you don't make the schedule? The computer just does it for you? Is that reowhat you're saying to me?

M: No! That's not what I said

DF: Well I won't be here on my wedding day.

M: Yeah, I know! It's written on my calendar here!
(I look at the calendar and see my name written on the day of my wedding, and also noticed that my name was written on the day of the Pantera concert)

DF: Are you fucking serious? You knew I was going the whole goddamn time and still told everyone that you wanted to fire me and that I never said a word to you about it?

M: Get out of my fucking office

DF: Fuck you

 At that point, I left his office. He then changed my schedule again, and instead of six days a week, or the four I was told we were going to, he has me scheduled THREE DAYS A WEEK! I barely make my bills as is, much less with only 24 hours a week. I've decided to make a report with the Labor Department and see if I qualify for unemployment while searching for a new job, because at this point, I'd make more money at the gas station, and probably have to deal with less bullshit. 

Qualifier here: I know the “Fuck you” kinda stuff to my boss sounds exaggerated, it's not. He and my dad were friends when I was growing up, and he can't afford to fire me, as I'm the only person he has on my shift. I don't have anyone else at the shop, so he's not really in a position to get rid of me, and he knows it.

Edits: Formatting and typos

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