
Hours worked and on call

I won’t go too deep into detail, I have a position with decent pay. I normally work 8-12 hours a day. It varies depending on the job(s) for that day. What amazes me is there is on call during the night. Not every night, but it’s about 90 nights a year. At one point do you say I’m done? You work 8-12 hours and get a call. You leave your house and perform the work. Which means it could 2 hours to 8 more hours with an average of 4-6 hours added on to your 12 hour day. And it’s not just when you get off for the day.. it could be as soon as you clock out to 6 hours later. It’s affecting my nerves, sleep schedule and home life. And the pay, the on call itself pay is really bad. Say you don’t get called in. You’ve thought…

I won’t go too deep into detail, I have a position with decent pay. I normally work 8-12 hours a day. It varies depending on the job(s) for that day. What amazes me is there is on call during the night. Not every night, but it’s about 90 nights a year. At one point do you say I’m done? You work 8-12 hours and get a call. You leave your house and perform the work. Which means it could 2 hours to 8 more hours with an average of 4-6 hours added on to your 12 hour day. And it’s not just when you get off for the day.. it could be as soon as you clock out to 6 hours later. It’s affecting my nerves, sleep schedule and home life. And the pay, the on call itself pay is really bad. Say you don’t get called in. You’ve thought about it constantly and you really can’t be free and off like you want to be. QUESTION- When do you cut the on call bs off and say I’m done doing it? How do you even tell your job that? Especially when they didn’t have the balls to tell you during the hiring process there was an on call and the schedule and pay for it was dog ass terrible?!? And I’ve found out through a new employee who was hired, they didn’t tell him as well about on call and was thrown into on call a week in.

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