
How am I expected to do this for 50 more years?

I’ve come to realize that I’m just too lazy and unmotivated to live. I’ve only been in the workforce for about 5 months and I’m already done. There is no job out there that I’ll enjoy working. There is no “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps” talk that’ll work for me. Why is it so wrong to want to be happy for most of your life? Why is it wrong to not want to work away half your life? Every time I say anything about me not wanting to work, I’m just met with “Oh well, that’s just the way it is” “Stop complaining” and “You’re just weak and lazy”. I don’t know what to do anymore. I know what I really want, I want to be a stay-at-home mom, and not just cause I don’t wanna work a 9-5 I also just genuinely want kids. But every time I…

I’ve come to realize that I’m just too lazy and unmotivated to live. I’ve only been in the workforce for about 5 months and I’m already done. There is no job out there that I’ll enjoy working. There is no “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps” talk that’ll work for me. Why is it so wrong to want to be happy for most of your life? Why is it wrong to not want to work away half your life? Every time I say anything about me not wanting to work, I’m just met with “Oh well, that’s just the way it is” “Stop complaining” and “You’re just weak and lazy”. I don’t know what to do anymore. I know what I really want, I want to be a stay-at-home mom, and not just cause I don’t wanna work a 9-5 I also just genuinely want kids. But every time I think about wanting that life, I think about how I’d be cursing my partner with having to work extra hard for basically their entire life. Also starting to question if I should even have kids cause they won’t be kids forever have would have to suffer life as an adult. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do, life just doesn’t feel worth living anymore. I feel like I only have one option.

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