
How am I supposed to go to job interviews during business hours when I’m still working?

I’m looking for a new job, right now I’m still working at my job and I don’t want to quit until I have something lined up. But it’s really driving me up the wall to deal with these hiring managers. Why do so many companies assume I’m able to come to job interviews on such short notice during business hours? And they aren’t flexible at all either. I suggest a first meeting via Teams, just to get to know the job and to introduce myself. “No, we want an in-person impression” I suggest I can get off work an hour sooner, so I can get there at 5 pm. “No, we stop working at 5.” I finally get a first interview, it went really well. They ask me when I’m available, to then ignore all of my open slots and suggest a second interview the next day at around 2…

I’m looking for a new job, right now I’m still working at my job and I don’t want to quit until I have something lined up. But it’s really driving me up the wall to deal with these hiring managers.

Why do so many companies assume I’m able to come to job interviews on such short notice during business hours? And they aren’t flexible at all either.

I suggest a first meeting via Teams, just to get to know the job and to introduce myself. “No, we want an in-person impression”

I suggest I can get off work an hour sooner, so I can get there at 5 pm. “No, we stop working at 5.”

I finally get a first interview, it went really well. They ask me when I’m available, to then ignore all of my open slots and suggest a second interview the next day at around 2 pm. Again while I’m working.

I suggest an interview for the following week, because then I can actually schedule a moment off work. “No we really want to decide on short notice”.

It’s even worse when THEY contacted ME for the job. Why am I the one to do all the schedule gymnastics?

Fucking hell

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