
How am I supposed to train, if you don’t give me any hours?

Recently got this new job as a manager in training at a store after I left another workplace. Few bumps in the road, but hey, it’s literally my first time being a manager, (they knew that when they hired me, I made it very clear) and I’ve worked there for a week. So you’d think they’d understand that I’m gonna get better as time goes on right? I joined with the understanding that I’d get more hours eventually , but recently, I guess sales went down so they said hours will be given out “competitively” between part time employees. Regardless of position. I checked the schedule, and I was bumped down to 2, maybe 1 day a week for the near future. They said business would pick back up in October, but how am I supposed to pay my rent with this? And how am I supposed to actually gain…

Recently got this new job as a manager in training at a store after I left another workplace. Few bumps in the road, but hey, it’s literally my first time being a manager, (they knew that when they hired me, I made it very clear) and I’ve worked there for a week. So you’d think they’d understand that I’m gonna get better as time goes on right? I joined with the understanding that I’d get more hours eventually , but recently, I guess sales went down so they said hours will be given out “competitively” between part time employees. Regardless of position. I checked the schedule, and I was bumped down to 2, maybe 1 day a week for the near future. They said business would pick back up in October, but how am I supposed to pay my rent with this? And how am I supposed to actually gain the manager skills they’re supposedly training me for? I want to get another job, but they said the hours are “subject to change” even after they sent out weeks worth of schedule. It’d be funny If they called me up in the middle of a shift at another job, asking me to come in since their managers get paid less than the average fast food crew member around here. I don’t know. I guess this is more of a frustration post than actually asking for advice. Because I want to have a position in management on my resume so it’ll look better in the future, but they are testing me

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