
How and when do I quit respectfully and with dignity?

Throwaway account for anonymity. After tons of job searching, I was hired a little under a year ago by a friend of a friend as a remote worker. It was a huge win for me as I had very little experience in the field I was hired for. He has trained me, and I feel that I am a good employee. I do my work well and on time, and have only ever received positive feedback. Recently, however, the role has changed a bit and now requires traveling for two weeks on, two weeks off. I am not happy with this arrangement, as I was hired as a remote employee with a 40hr work week. I don't want to be away from home from that long, let alone have to go and spend 12 hour days with some of these coworkers. I have made it abundantly and professionally clear to…

Throwaway account for anonymity.

After tons of job searching, I was hired a little under a year ago by a friend of a friend as a remote worker. It was a huge win for me as I had very little experience in the field I was hired for. He has trained me, and I feel that I am a good employee. I do my work well and on time, and have only ever received positive feedback.

Recently, however, the role has changed a bit and now requires traveling for two weeks on, two weeks off. I am not happy with this arrangement, as I was hired as a remote employee with a 40hr work week. I don't want to be away from home from that long, let alone have to go and spend 12 hour days with some of these coworkers. I have made it abundantly and professionally clear to my higher ups that I am not okay with this level of travel. They have tried to make it so it's only once a quarter, but I'm still not okay with traveling.

After much discussion with husband (who makes 2x what I do, also working remote), we have decided that I should put my notice in, and manage the house and pursue a long time passion project. I feel extremely lucky to be in this position with my husband supporting me. Money will be tighter, but still very manageable.

I have two weeks of travel time coming up soon. (I'm dreading these work trips so much, I feel sick to my stomach.) Do I wait until after the work trip to put in my month long notice, so that it's not awkward when I see everyone? How would you go about putting in your notice if you were me? I want to be professional and courteous.

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