
How are we expected to live like this?????

I've been having a rough go of it these past couple days. Decided to do a social media detox. Came to realize I'm a terminally online loser who doom scrolls all day and have no one around except for my family. So I decide to finally do something about it. Look for IT jobs. 4 jobs come up. All of them “Entry-Level, requires 5 years experience. Pays $19/hr” I can't work physical stuff because of an injury I sustained to my back around 2019 working retail. Only jobs I could potentially work are retail as I'm a new college student. I go “That's not ideal, I'll look at apartment they should be cheap cause of where I live.” I look at the prices they are the exact same as the prices for something in a bigger city. JUST FOR 1 BEDROOM AND BATHROOM! I just need privacy and a job…

I've been having a rough go of it these past couple days. Decided to do a social media detox. Came to realize I'm a terminally online loser who doom scrolls all day and have no one around except for my family. So I decide to finally do something about it. Look for IT jobs. 4 jobs come up. All of them “Entry-Level, requires 5 years experience. Pays $19/hr” I can't work physical stuff because of an injury I sustained to my back around 2019 working retail. Only jobs I could potentially work are retail as I'm a new college student. I go “That's not ideal, I'll look at apartment they should be cheap cause of where I live.” I look at the prices they are the exact same as the prices for something in a bigger city. JUST FOR 1 BEDROOM AND BATHROOM! I just need privacy and a job and I can't even get either of those. How are we meant to live like this? Where we're being charged $900-$1000 for a goddamn closet. Why did we let this shit get so fucking bad?????? God I can't wait for the housing market to collapse because I can't wait to see these fuckers burn for ruining any chance I had at an independent life.

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