
How are you actually financially surviving?

I have a decent job and pay but with the rise in costs of literally everything, we're barely scraping by. Even dipping into our savings some months just to pay bills. It's infuriating that the cost of living has increased so drastically while salaries remain stagnant. We do not go out at all and cook everyday. We shop at Aldi. Have low car payments. No unnecessary spending. Even own a house with a 2.6% interest rate and a $2500 mortgage. How is anyone supposed to afford a house with 7-8% interest? It would make my same house over $4k a month…. I just don't understand how this way of life can be sustainable. We either need an extra $30k annual increase for every working adult or some kind of massive break. How are you surviving and what is something we can feasibly do nationally to relieve this insane financial pressure…

I have a decent job and pay but with the rise in costs of literally everything, we're barely scraping by. Even dipping into our savings some months just to pay bills. It's infuriating that the cost of living has increased so drastically while salaries remain stagnant.

We do not go out at all and cook everyday. We shop at Aldi. Have low car payments. No unnecessary spending. Even own a house with a 2.6% interest rate and a $2500 mortgage. How is anyone supposed to afford a house with 7-8% interest? It would make my same house over $4k a month….

I just don't understand how this way of life can be sustainable. We either need an extra $30k annual increase for every working adult or some kind of massive break. How are you surviving and what is something we can feasibly do nationally to relieve this insane financial pressure on us regular folk?

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