Every financial independence advice is I've seen so far includes throwing money at stocks, crypto or real estate so you can have “passive income” (read: unearned income that has been deducted from workers paycheck).
Now, I'm not saying that all people who follow FIRE or other movement are bad people, I think it's totally understandable to not want to work two jobs just to pay your bills. But I personally want to earn my living by doing something that contributes something to society or at least isn't harming anyone.
I want to live pretty ascetic life, but I want to work something like 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, plus paid holiday for maybe like two months. I don't want children. Do you think it's possible? Have any of you actually achieved it? I don't care much what field it is, “do what you love” is bullshit advice. I don't dream of labor, I just want to do something I don't hate, but have as much free time as possible so I can pursue my hobbies that I do actually love.