
How can I prepare for an upcoming discussion with my boss?

I am going to demand a raise from my boss. I don’t really expect it to go well because he is a huge hard ass. I want to make sure I have a few precautions in place before I go about this. If I don’t get a raise, I am going to give him 2 weeks. I am worried that instead of letting me finish out the 2 weeks, he’ll let me go on the spot. Will I qualify for unemployment in CA if he does this? Do I need to get some kind of proof of the details of my termination? Will I need to draft some sort of document that he should sign which proves the terms of my new wage should he agree to it? I don’t want him to agree only verbally as he might not stick to his word or ‘forget’. I’ll be putting him…

I am going to demand a raise from my boss. I don’t really expect it to go well because he is a huge hard ass.

I want to make sure I have a few precautions in place before I go about this.

If I don’t get a raise, I am going to give him 2 weeks. I am worried that instead of letting me finish out the 2 weeks, he’ll let me go on the spot. Will I qualify for unemployment in CA if he does this? Do I need to get some kind of proof of the details of my termination?

Will I need to draft some sort of document that he should sign which proves the terms of my new wage should he agree to it? I don’t want him to agree only verbally as he might not stick to his word or ‘forget’.

I’ll be putting him in a hard spot because I know I currently have a lot of leverage over him. If he agrees I’m sure he’ll be watching me like a hawk looking for any chance to let me go after the busy season is over.

Any advice or am I overthinking this?


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